Baseline % Scores

Hi all,
I am adding Year 7 baseline % scores based on our entrance exam data. Will the baseline scores roll over to the following year’s markbook, and If I enter a later set of % values for IGCSE (based on an average % from Year 9 exams), will the new values be displayed in the Year 10 markbook? In the past, I have only used targets.
I expect both would appear under the Formal Assessment section of the student’s profile.
Thank you for your sterling effort with the Gibbon platform, Andy (British West Indies Collegiate).

Hi @stdavsurfer18 Yes, I haven’t used this area much, but my understanding is that external assessments are attached to a student and follow them year to year, so you can use School Admin > Formal Assessment Settings > Primary External Assessement to associate a year group with a particular assessment, and that will be used as the baseline. Hope this helps!