Background Processes


Just having some issues with Messenger, I used the Messenger module to send out emails to all staff and checking the System Logs shows ready.

Upon further digging, spoke to hosting providers, they said Background Process is enabled, limited to 300 seconds. However, they said the exec() functions are heavily locked down. Does Gibbon support background tasks using Cron?

If I could just add entries for MailProcess to run every so often.

Please could you advise.

Hi @mahmoodali01 My apologies for the late reply, it’s been a busy time of the school year.

There isn’t currently an option for background processing via a cron task. If exec() isn’t allowed by your hosting, you can opt to turn background processing off in System Admin > System Settings, and this should ensure that your messages are still sent (but may take longer to send via the front-end interface).