Attendance problem

Hi Again Ross,

In Attendance page under student’s photo, our secretary is not able to click or see the options the first box have (Present, Late, etc…). When i log in my self as secretary, i was able to see it. I don’t know why they can not see them. Can you please let me know what i have missed here. Please check on my screen shot attached. First screen shot taking from my account ( log in as secretary) and the second one is taking from our secretary’s account.

Thank you in advance for your help.

This may be due to a setting in School Admin > Attendance Settings. Check an attendance code like Present and look for the Available to Roles selector. It can restrict certain attendance codes to specific roles. Either add their role to the list, or to disable this functionality for an attendance code deselect all the roles and then anyone can use it. You may need to edit this for each attendance code.