Am I correct that the theoretical flow of lesson management is as follows:
A teacher manages a class (is added to a class)
That teacher (or subject head?) then adds unit plans (which could be themes, work blocks, etc), and should ideally be spread over a period of time (a few weeks). This is how you would implement a scheme of work, for example.
The teacher then plans individual lessons for each lesson within that unit, which should include publically available info, teacher info (viewable only be teachers?) Shared resources (which can be added immediately, and would be stored as ongoing resources), and homework (which can be linked to markbook).
That is pretty much it. Permission for who can edit and deploy (turn into lesson plans) units is controlled in Departments. So, set up your departments and assign staff to them (Teacher (Curriculum), Assitant Coordinator and Coordinator have unit planning rights). Then, when you create courses (which contain classes), you can assign the course to a department.
For curriculum mapping, you need to define Outcomes in the Planner (right hand menu, check out "Manage Outcomes). At the moment they cannot be directly imported, but this is one feature that will land in v9.1 dev in the coming weeks. Outcomes can be either school-wide or departmental, and can be tied to various years. In the unit planner, outcomes can be tied to units and blocks, and in the lesson planner they can be tied to lessons. You can then view the mapping using Outcomes By Course in the Planner’s right side menu. More curriculum mapping output views will be added at some point in the future.
Hope this helps, let me know if you have any further questions.
Regarding the above response: i created Departaments,then i allocate Staff (Teacher Curriculum, Assistant Coordinator and Coordinator).
“Then, whenyou create courses(which contain classes), you can assign the course to a department.”
“You” is admin Gibbon? or i logout admin account and then relogin with Teacher Curriculum account to define Outcomes, create units and lessons,etc.
In my pricatice i create all this as administrator and had no problems, all accounts work , units lesson is visible to all staff members. How it is correct, exactly?
It depends how you set up your permissions and roles, but by default it will have to be an admin who sets up the courses and classes. Then, a teacher will role Teacher (Curriculum) or above, or an admin, in the department can start editing unit content in that course.
Yes Ross, thank you. I had the same problem on the Moodle platform, where it is not recommended to create lessons with the Administrator account, for security reasons. For small organizations with fewer users, we are tempted to create everything with super user administrator rights, which is wrong. We can create security holes. Eagerly waiting for a Mind - map with rights and permissions Gibbon, who has a peculiar logic of Moodle, for me it was difficult to pass from Gibbon, absolutely original as Moodle user.