Add "Remark" or "Description" field to Facility booking

So other users know what that booking is for. If the content is too big to fit into the block on timetable, can be a mouseover tool tip.

just an idea

Hi GaryC,

Thanks for the feature request, it sounds like a useful thing to have. Our core team has it’s hands full with ongoing refactoring for v19, is this something you’d be interested in adding? We’d be happy to review any Pull Requests you put together, as well as answer questions about the code on the developer slack.


Thanks Sandra.

We experienced this inconvenience because teachers want to know what the auditorium is booked for. I believe everything has its priority, the remark field is a nice to have more than a critical issue.

As I heard from other Gibbon members, the transcript/report module is one of the tacks core team working on, which in my opinion, is far more important (or even a must) for a SIS. thanks for the hard work and I really look forward to hearing good news on this one.
