Horarios particulares

Hola, tengo un problema con los horarios, ya he cargado todos los horarios de mi escuela sin problemas, pero ahora requiero asignarle un horario particular a 9 estudiantes, como puedo hacer eso? no he encontrado la opción, ya que solo necesito que el horario en base sea el mismo que ya tienen, pero que solo cambie unas materias de hora solo a esos estudiantes, pero que no afecte al resto.

Mil gracias si me pueden apoyar.

Hi @antrs09, welcome to the Gibbon forums.

If every student has a working timetable and you only want to change the timetable for 9 students, then perhaps the Timetable Exception tool may be helpful. This lets you add an “exception” which removes a student from a class for a particular period.

For example, if you had a student that took a certain class every day, except Mondays they took a special class, you could add a timetable exception for them, removing them from the original class just on Mondays. This would let you then add them to a special class with it’s own timetable.

Timetable exceptions can be found when you edit your timetable in Manage Timetables, then edit the Timetable Day, and edit the Timetable Period, and you will see an Exceptions option next to each class:

Hope this helps!