
I am getting the following messages whenever i am trying to upload timetable complete data
Each Row Name value should match an existing name, gibbonTTColumnID in gibbonTTColumnRow.
Each Timetable value should match an existing nameShort, gibbonSchoolYearID in gibbonTT
Each Space Name value should match an existing name in gibbonSpace.
Each Timetable value should match an existing nameShort, gibbonSchoolYearID in gibbonTT.
Am i supposed to put full school years eg Y1, Y2 or rollgroups which i use as my classes. The space values i have are classrooms, halls, etc
Ihave done everything to make them match but it is still refusing

Hi Mhlanga,

The imports are connecting a lot of different tables together in order for the import to work, and they use the exact names and short names of different records to make these connections. The type of error your seeing happens when the importer cannot find a record that matches the name you’ve provided in your spreadsheet. Be sure to use the exact name, case sensitive, with no extra spaces or characters.

In the import, if you scroll to the bottom, it will give you a list of the fields it expect and whether to use the Name or Short Name for those records. Hope this helps!