No template to add in the add section

Hello, my name is Godfred and I’m from Ghana. I’ve recently began using gibbon.
I was able to install Gibbon online using Cpanel’s Softaculous App installer.
I attempted to create a report after the installation. Moving on to the template builder, where I imagine it will produce fake data and allow us to create the reporting template. I made a reporting cycle and included certain criteria and scope though I didn’t think it was required for developing the template.
As shown in the accompanying screenshot, there were no objects to drag and drop

Where do I begin to repair it?

Hi @Godfred_Tengey, my apologies for the delay in response, you happened to post just as our summer holiday was starting on this end. You should be able to see the templates after visiting Reports > Template Builder > Manage Assets and clicking the Scan Asset Directories button. This should populate the list of built-in templates.

Hello Sandra, I am facing the same issue.
I installed using Softaculous
I have clicked on the Scan Assets Directory Button but it gives an error response

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Hi @elyn

You might find the solution here: