how to Add Class information

hi everyone…
Where is class field option to add the Classes…???

Hi Vikas,

The tools to create classes as well as enroll students in them can be found under Timetable Admin. More info about the timetabling process can be found on the support page:

Hope this helps!

Thank u for ur reply :slight_smile:

hi sandra…

I dismissed the smart workflow chart.
how to add the smart workflow to my home page again…???

Hi Vikas, there is no easy way to do this, but you can do it in the database by going to the table gibbonStaff and finding your record. Then change the value of the field smartWorkflowHelp in your record from N to Y.

In future, please can you post additional questions such as this into a new thread. This helps us keep the forum organised and searchable. Thanks!

Thanks for ur answer :slight_smile:
I fixed Smart work flow Problem.

Sure ill post.

Hi Ross…
I am not able to understand the workflow and input the data to some fields so please forward the documentaion about Gibbon to

Thank you in Advance

I am planning to Modify the Gibbon For Indian School so i need help from you people.

Vikas, you are most welcome to modify Gibbon, but please do consider contributing your modifications back to the project, so we can share them with others, and so you can avoid being forked out of future changes. On the right hand side of our Support page you will see a menu to access documentation for different user roles. Let us know if this helps, otherwise please ask very specific questions in new threads, and we will address them one at a time. Thanks! Ross.

Thank you :slight_smile: