How can I edit, delete, or close a discussion I started in the forum?


I started a discussion, and while I was waiting for an answer I moved forward and was able to answer some of the questions myself (basically I was doing some things wrong, and as I’m new to the app it took me a while to realize my mistakes), and also find additional information to add to the post for the remaining questions.

So, I wanted to at least edit the post to rephrase the problem.
Is this possible?

Thank you!

Hi Ricardo,

VanillaForms seems a bit strange in that we’ve updated the settings a number of times now trying to enable editing for users and it keeps reverting the setting back to defaults and not allowing editing.

If the solution you found may yet be valuable to another user, it can help to reply to your own question with the answer you found, to help the next person :smiley: Otherwise, feel free to post on the thread asking to remove it, and Ross and I will close threads as needed.


Ok. Thank you!