'File Not Found' Error in Gibbon V26 and Gibbon V27

Adding the following line to /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf
ProxyFCGISetEnvIf "true" SCRIPT_FILENAME "%{unescape:%{SCRIPT_FILENAME}}"
<IfModule !mod_php.c>
# Enable http authorization headers
SetEnvIfNoCase ^Authorization$ "(.+)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1
ProxyFCGISetEnvIf "true" SCRIPT_FILENAME "%{unescape:%{SCRIPT_FILENAME}}" <FilesMatch \.(php|phar)$>
SetHandler "proxy:unix:/run/php-fpm/www.sock| fcgi://localhost "
solved the issue for me. Reference: PHP-FPM + Apache: special characters in SCRIPT_FILENAME are URL encoded · Issue #15246 · php/php-src · GitHub


Thank you everyone for sharing your solutions. Unfortunately, although it sounded like there was a patch in the works from Apache, as of 2.4.62 this issue does not appear to have been fixed. This issue is not in Gibbon itself, so not something we’re able to fix from our end, so hopefully the solutions provided by the community will help until there is an Apache software fix. At the moment, it appears to affect all Apache systems running php-fpm. Please try the solution provided by @fvlasie and let us know if you continue to encounter issues. Thanks

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Its january and it still isnt fixed. I have tried updating the server and the steps mentioned above but it still dont work.

I run ubuntu and dont have the same directory: “/etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf”
So i tried: ls /etc/apach2/conf.d
output: ipadress.conf domains hestia-event.conf phpmyadmin.inc

As you see i dont have php.conf. I tried adding the code above you mentioned in my conf files but it would just break apache2.

I’m thinking about doing a fresh install, would like to hear your thoughts
Any help would be appreciated.

I am unsure if this is too late, but you can find the php.conf file in /etc/apache2/conf-available.

You should be able to find php.conf or php8.x-fpm.conf
with x being the version number.

You can then add the following line in the Enable HTTP authorization headers section

ProxyFCGISetEnvIf "true" SCRIPT_FILENAME "%{unescape:%{SCRIPT_FILENAME}}"

Restart or reload the apache server and it should work.

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Hi thanks for your help.

I have tried that but it didnt work. I think im gonna wait for Apache2 2.4.63 and hope the issue will be fixed.

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