Course Selection Module how-to

Thank you @sandra for the reply. I changed the minimum selection to 1 but the message is now “1 of 1 courses selected” even when the checkbox is not yet ticked

When the checkbox is ticked there’s no message that appears

This is from the error log. I forgot to check this earlier
[Fri Mar 31 15:04:04.631728 2023] [php:error] [pid 978] [client <CLENT_IP_ADDRESS>:54468] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught League\Container\Exception\NotFoundException: Alias (Gibbon\Module\CourseSelection\Domain\SelectionsGateway) is not being managed by the container or delegates in <GIBBON_PATH>/vendor/league/container/src/Container.php:188\nStack trace:\n#0 <GIBBON_PATH>/modules/Course Selection/approval_approveAjax.php(26): League\Container\Container->get()\n#1 {main}\n thrown in <GIBBON_PATH>/vendor/league/container/src/Container.php on line 188, referer: http://<SERVER_IP_ADDRESS>/index.php?q=%2Fmodules%2FCourse+Selection%2Fapproval_byOffering.php&gibbonSchoolYearID=025&sidebar=false&courseSelectionOfferingID=00000001