Assets not installed in reports - v25


I am unable to install the assets, i copied the core templates in the " /uploads/reports/templates

It is working for the fonts but it does not install it for the templates:

My uploads folder tree :
¦ ±–mpdf
¦ ±–ttfontdata

Assets page

Hi @odihamdalaye, welcome to the forums. I’m not sure what you mean by “copied the core templates” ? Were the core template’s not working? They’re located at /modules/Reports/templates/reports and should work be default without needing to be copied. If you’re adding your own templates, be sure to add them into the custom template directory. As a note, the uploads folder tree you’ve shared seems to have two reports folders and one templates folder, however, the structure of the path should be one reports folder, and one templates folder inside that reports folder. Hope this helps.

Hello sandra,

Thanks you for you reply,

If I leave it by default I get this error:

Fatal error: Uncaught Twig\Error\LoaderError: Unable to find template "C:/wamp64/www/GibbonEduCoreLab-eng/modules/Reports/templates/reports/formGroupCriteria.twig.html" (looked into: C:\wamp64\www\GibbonEduCoreLab-eng/modules/Reports/templates, C:\wamp64\www\GibbonEduCoreLab-eng/resources/templates). in C:\wamp64\www\GibbonEduCoreLab-eng\vendor\twig\twig\src\Loader\FilesystemLoader.php on line 227
Twig\Error\LoaderError: Unable to find template "C:/wamp64/www/GibbonEduCoreLab-eng/modules/Reports/templates/reports/formGroupCriteria.twig.html" (looked into: C:\wamp64\www\GibbonEduCoreLab-eng/modules/Reports/templates, C:\wamp64\www\GibbonEduCoreLab-eng/resources/templates). in C:\wamp64\www\GibbonEduCoreLab-eng\vendor\twig\twig\src\Loader\FilesystemLoader.php on line 227

And it is the same when i put them on uplads folder, but as you said I don’t need that approach so i removed it and went back to default configuration.
Note the first time I see this error though.

Hoping that we can find a way through this,


Hmm, it looks like something strange is happening with the path separators switching between forward and backslash, related to running on an WAMP server. Can you let me know which page causes this error to occur?

I have the error in Generate Reports / Run / Single. see attached screenshot